2017.12.29 09:16New year's holiday Closing dateOur shop will be closed due to new year's holiday between Dec. 31th - Jan. 2rd.
2017.11.22 07:44It began deliveryIt will eat Spicy noodles at home or at work.https://nham24.com/menu-karakara-restaurant
2017.09.29 10:00Spay all cooller new drinkSpay all cooller new drink🍸🍸🍹 in karakara 😘😘😘thank you.all 2$.
2017.09.06 08:05Pchum Ben Days HolidayPlease be informed that our shop will be totally closed from 18th to 22th of September as Pchum Ben Days Holiday.
2017.09.06 07:58お盆休みのお知らせいつも辛辛麺をご利用頂き、誠にありがとうございます。誠の勝手ながら、下記日程でお盆休みとさせて頂きます。お客様にはご不便、ご迷惑をおかけしますが、何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。記9月18日(月)~22日(金) 5日間*9月23日(土)以降は通常営業とさせて頂きます。